Just dance!

I love Bollywood. I love it because it’s just delightful (yes, I said it). People sing, dance, cry and perform random choreographed moves that surely just can’t be done in our world!

I recently discovered that I was once again wrong, and this can actually happen in real life. The annual work Christmas party turned into a mass choreographed dance event, and for some strange reason (beyond me), everyone seemed to know what they were doing.

Once we arrived, we were ptu into groups for said Dance-off. Being unfortunate in life in general, my group was made to do some Dandiya (the dance you do with sticks). To anyone who knows nothing about Dandiya I’ll tell you it hurts. Especially when you’re paired with an all too eager boy whose main aim in life seems to be to knock your knuckles right off, stepping on your toes while at it. What could I do? He was stronger than me, and his aim was better! At the end of the 6 hour party, everyone else seemed exhilarated after their performances, while I looked like Cruella Devil on one of her more technicoloured (and ugly) days. What’s worse was that the people in charge decided not to feed us till late, so by the time we had a drink of water and a morsel of cake, we were dying (correction – I was dying). I’ve had better Christmas party experiences, honestly. In the end, all I had to show for my effort was a scarf that looks a bit like it was stolen from Superman (i.e. back when he had to buy his cloak replacements from the thrift shop).

I remember those days when I’d turn up for free food and drink (no dancing required, unless it was late and you’d been at the party too long). Gone are those days. I’m not in Kansas anymore…

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