Conversations between neighbours…

Scenario 1: Outside our flat

Me (cheerfully, to the lady in Flat 1): Hello! We’re neighbours now, we’ve just moved in! I’m Meghana. It’s nice to meet you.

Lady in Flat 1: Oh. Yes yes…My daughter’s name is also Meghana.

Lady in Flat 1 shuts door.


Scenario 2: Outside our flat, while leaving for work

 Me (to man from Flat 3 or 4): Good morning!

Man: Hmmm…


It’s been 3 months. I still don’t know my neighbours. I’m like the Sex and the City crew…they didn’t know their neighbours either. But they did have Cosmos….I don’t…

I do however hear Lady in Flat 1 shout at her daughter all day. Meghana! Where are you!? What are you doing?

I also hear every single flat in our building and the next use their pressure cookers all day and night. Constant whistles! I don’t know who they have to feed and what they’re making in a cooker. Idlis and channa enough for an army perhaps? Curiouser and curiouser…

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