When did horror films turn shit?

Another random rambling…

I haven’t seen a decent film in a while. I used to enjoy watching scary movies. This was before they all turned shit. I know they are meant to be  filled with clichés, dark corners, eerie sounds, dead guys that lunge at you when you get too close, that sort of thing. But they were fun to watch! The films you get now all seem to have the same stuff happen in them. The only real difference is that the kids look creepier and do most of the killing.

Recently there’s been so many films like Paranomal Activity, the shaky handheld camera, or even surprisingly steady “found” footage. I don’t understand how many more of these films people can make – they all have the same premise don’t they? Something creepy happened to some stupid couple in an old cabin/the jungle/insert-sketchy-place-here, and oh, they happened to have a camera that recorded everything so we can try to make sense of the darkness. I never liked Blair  Witch, but I did like Paranormal Activity – just the first one though. Stretching it on forever seems a bit pointless. Seen it. I heard that Sinister was pretty good and watched it this weekend. Did I watch the right Sinister? Is there another one? The one I saw had Ethan Hawke in it, and it was really predictable. Oh, you found some tapes? Oh, some families die in them, but one kid goes missing from each family? Oh annnd there’s a creepy shadow guy that looks like The Undertaker or Heath Ledger’s Joker without the green hair? Oh. Of course. I’m so disappointed. Insidious 2 was so forgettable – what’s scary is that I survived after watching such a boring film.

The next let down was The Conjuring. Alright – based on some true story they say, but is it really? *clap clap* I’ll admit, the clapping was a bit creepy, and the parts where it’s not an in-your-face possession. But I don’t know what people were talking about when they said they shat themselves. Silly silly…

Give me a slasher film any day, they never fail to entertain, no matter how bad! Remember those Scream films? Ah, great entertainment! We need more of those…

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